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Friday, July 22, 2011

another dream i had

if you read my last dream i blogged about this one is way weirder

First i was on the Titanic and i saw Will and Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean) and they wanted to order some food so i transported somewhere and wrote down their order then gave it back. but when i got back to the Titanic i saw a lady in all black and thought oh no i summoned Medusa! So i went to find Gandalf (lord of the rings) i found Gandalf in a really tiny room filled with Valentines day stuff. Him and a friend went into a backyard (when we were on a ship but apparently got off????) and used these giant cubes trying to figure out why she was here...
i don't remember any more after that

The dream i had last night

the only part of my dream that i remember is when i was in my high school which i wont be going  into for another 2 years (i am going into the 7th grade)
It started when i entered and was walking on these stairs that said i wasn't suppose to be walking on them then i went to band. I saw my friend there and gave her a hug then we put costumes on and walked around the room then we started practicing singing. While i was doing all that i was thinking where i was suppose to next for my next which i had no idea what it was! then i woke up

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Miamisburg Junior Winterguard Simple Gifts 2011

If i had $100 and couldn't keep it

If i had $100 that i couldn't keep i would give it to charity. I would donate the money most likely for cancer research. there is a girl going into the 4th or 5th grade that i do colorguard with (we used to be in the same group but she is younger so i moved up) who literally just found out she has cancer. A few other of my family members have been affected by cancer too so i feel that would be the best place to donate the money.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

picnik pictures

these arn't all the pictures i made but these are my favorites
(from guard of course)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stand by me by Playing for change

great song! (plus we did it for guard 2010)

more guard pictures

Here are more pictures from winter guard
Fairmont High School March 5th, 2011 MEPA Dayton Regionals

i am on the far right

my profile picture

you can't see my face because i am the one facing the back